One of the tangible advantages enjoyed by people includes buying and selling, the profits gained by workers performing Hajj-related services, and moving multiple forms of transport continuously. Furthermore, one can find great satisfaction from receiving donations of voluntary charity in form of money or meat from Hady (animal slaughter offered by pilgrims), sacrifices, Kaffarah (atonement), sacrificed animal meat from Hady or Kaffarah from Muhrims (pilgrims in ceremonial state for Hajj and ‘Umrah) when they commit any violations, as well as marketing products sold directly to pilgrims themselves or services needed by pilgrims themselves – just some examples among many advantages available today from being involved with these benefits of worldly life!
Based on this, some scholars (may Allah have mercy on them) have observed that pilgrimages bring both temporal and eternal benefits for Muslims; within themselves as individuals as well as for their Ummahs (nations based on religion).
One of the greatest things witnessed at Hajj is how Allah (may He be glorified) makes spending and giving charity easier, with people tending to be more charitable than usual and giving more charity than at other times. Additionally, people come to know each other better while supporting each other with their affairs.
Allah (may He be exalted) promises pilgrims many benefits during rituals, such as forgiveness of their sins and entry to paradise; covered by His mercy during these ceremonies and forgiveness from their past misdeeds. According to reliable reports, the Prophet (sallAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam) said this.
“No other day is better for Allah’s servants than Arafah Day; He comes near them and boasts of them to His angels, saying: ‘What do these servants need?’ [Reported by Muslim from Hadith ‘Aishah of Prophet Muhammad (may Allah bless her).][1]
The Prophet said:
“Each Umrah brings its own expiation for whatever was committed between Umrahs; an accepted Hajj can only bring its reward in Jannah.” [Mutaffac alaihi ][2]
Sahih al-Bukhari, on the authority of Abu Hurayrah (may Allah bless him), reports that Prophet ( sallAllahu ‘alayhi wa sallam ) stated, he said:
“Anyone performing Hajj, without engaging in intimate relations (with spouse or ex-spouse) or committing sins, will return as though his mother gave birth on that very same day.” [3]
There are multiple ahadith which echo this idea.
Fatwas of Ibn Baz (rahimahullah )
[1] Muslim’s Sahih Book of Hajj, no 1348. Al-Nasa’y Sunan Book on Rituals of Hajj, no 3003. And finally Ibn Majah Sunan Book on Rituals no 3014 are all great resources of information regarding Hajj and related rituals.
[2] Al-Bukhaari and Muslim have recorded this narration: Al-Bukhaari on Al-Hajj, Chapter on the Obligation and Excellence of Umrah No 1773 and no 1349 respectively;
[3] Reported in Al-Bukhary’s Book of Hajj, Chapter on the Excellence of Accepted Hajj (no 1521), and Muslim’s Book of Hajj, Chapter on the Excellence of Umrah and Day of Arafah Hajjs (no 1350).
Dhul-Hijjah Important
The first ten days of Dhul-Hijjah are especially blessed and hold an integral place in Islam’s calendar. Dhul-Hijjah marks the last month of each Islamic year and this period marks Hajj (pilgrimage to Mecca), one of Islam’s five pillars. Muslims should make use of every opportunity presented during these 10 days to do good deeds for Allah’s pleasure and seek His pleasure through pleasing Allah’s pleasure.
Riyad-us-Saliheen by Imam Al-Nawawi contains chapter 226 that emphasizes the virtue of fasting and other acts of virtue during these days, with many scholars of Islam noting their special spiritual value. Allah allows His believers opportunities to seek His rewards while forgiving sins – Dhul-Hijjah being one such occasion.
Actions Taken during the Initial Ten Days
1- Fasting (As-Sawm)
Fasting is recommended during Dhul-Hijjah, particularly on Arafah Day (the ninth). According to Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him), fasting on Arafah helps expiate past sins as well as those committed in the coming year; furthermore it draws one closer to Allah and seeks His mercy and pardon.
2- Prayer (Salah) and Quran Recitation
As part of celebrating God during this holy period, increasing voluntary prayers and reciting the Quran can strengthen one’s connection to him while deepening one’s spirituality. Both acts help us remember to stay on high spirituality during this season of celebration.
3- Charity and Donation
The Prophet stressed the significance of practicing charity year-round; Dhul-Hijjah being particularly auspicious to do so. Donating to those in need and performing acts of kindness are great ways of showing our devotion to Allah while showing kindness towards one another as this religion places such emphasis on care for humanity.
4- Remembrance of Allah (Dhikr)
Muslims are strongly advised to engage in acts of dhikr (remembrance of Allah), such as regularly saying the Arabic phrases: SubhanAllah”, Alhamdulillah”, and Allahu Akbar” throughout Dhul-Hijjah to center their thoughts and hearts towards Allah and purify their souls. This keeps their thoughts on Allah while simultaneously purifying themselves spiritually.
5. Perform Hajj
For those blessed with the chance to perform Hajj, it marks a powerful final act of devotion within Islam and can serve to cleanse believers of their sins, according to Prophet Muhammad’s words. It brings immense rewards while purifying one spiritually as part of this essential journey.
The Importance of Arafah
The ninth day of Dhul-Hijjah, also known as Arafah Day, marks the culmination of these first ten days and holds special meaning: this day marks pilgrims gathering for Hajj at Arafat to pray and seek Allah’s forgiveness, while fasting Arafah can expiate two years’ sins for those not participating. Arafah Day provides all Muslims an unparalleled opportunity to strengthen their faith and seek Allah’s forgiveness!
Dhul-Hijjah marks an essential moment for Muslims who wish to begin 2025 fresh with Islam. Muslims can reflect upon their actions and identify any errors made along the way; take responsibility for past transgressions they committed and set fresh intentions for 2025 Dhul Hijjah serves as an opportunity for Muslims to remember that every action we undertake holds spiritual meaning – reminding them to pursue righteousness relentlessly until reaching success is finally attained.
If you belong to the UK and are willing to book hajj 2025 packages online, or wish to perform umrah with a suitable cost of umrah packages, can contact Haleema Limited.
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